Application Form
Use this form to book a trip on the AGM 2019 on 11th May 2019
Please book by Monday 22nd April for railway / buffet options or by 1st May for AGM only
Locomotive & Carriage Institution Members Only
Please select:
AGM 2019, c/o Mr Allan Spencer, 8 Railway Terrace, DERBY, DE1 2RU
Telephone numbers and email may be used to inform you if there any last minute changes prior to the event. All personal details will be shredded following the event.
I would like to book for the following number of tickets:
If doing a combined booking for other members, please add their names and membership numbers below:
Including buffet lunch + shed + K&W V Rly travel
AGM only, NO buffet lunch or shed or K&WW V Rly
Shed + K&W V Rly travel. NO lunch