Eurostar Simulator Thrail Europa Alcan Waterloo & City Railnet Willesden North Pole SE Control Westinghouse Shell Havern Markham Colliery

Visit and drive on the Eurostar Simulator. 12/10/99

Visit to Thrail Europa Carriage Works, York.  21/04/99

Visit to British Alcan's Aluminium Smelter at Lynemouth, 1998

Walk down the Waterloo & City Line Tunnels, May 98.

Visit to The Royal Mail 'Railnet' Postal Sorting Centre in Willesden. 10/06/97

Visit to Eurostar’s North Pole Depot 27/03/96

 Visit to Network SouthEast, South East Division's Control, London.  08/09/93

A visit to Westinghouse Signals, Chippenham, on 22nd October 1992

Visit to Shell Haven Oil Refinery and neighbouring Thames Haven BR sidings.  13/06/90

Visit underground to the coal face of Markham Colliery, Blackshale Seam 16/06/87

Visits - Narrative - Pre 2000

A series of narrative reports on past UK external visits of the Locomotive & Carriage Institution prior to 2000:

Note that these visits are presented in chronological order.

Post 2000

Narrative accounts of Locomotive & Carriage Institution since 2000

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