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Fellow Members,

The Executive Council take pleasure in submitting to you, the Annual Report and Audited Accounts for Year. 1952.

Membership at January, 1952 - 244. At January, 1953 - 344. E.C. meetings held-9

The E.C. report with pleasure, enrolment of a number of Officers of C.I.E. Inchicore Works, Dublin and anticipate further development there and on Great Northern Railway, (Ireland). Best Wishes to our Irish Membership.

The E.C. regret the passing of three of our older members, Messrs. W. T. Richardson, Grantham: F. W. Green and C. E. Manby, also of W. S. Graff-Baker Esq, late President.

On 13th October, the President and General Secretary attended the inaugural meeting of The Doncaster Provincial Centre, established under the Chairmanship of A. R. Ewer, Esq--- D.M.P. Superintendent, Doncaster E.R., Mr. R. Fareham, Mexborough, Centre Secretary and Mr, G. W. Tasker, M.P. Inspector, Doncaster Organizing Secretary. The Centre, established with membership of 39, increased to 60 within a month and embraces a very wide area.

An excellent syllabus of monthly lectures has been arranged, and great credit is due to the Officers and Committee, we wish them all success and trust that the lead given by Doncaster will be followed in other areas.

A large party of members visited Switzerland in May, leaving London on the 11th, returning on the 25th. Educational visits were paid to works of The Swiss Federal Railways, Zurich, the Brown Boveri Engineering Coy., Baden and The Swiss Car and Elevator Coy., Schleiren. Whilst based on Lucerne, the first week, the party visited Vitznau, Rigi Summit, Lugano, Lake Resorts and Pilatus Summit, proceeding for the second week to Montreux, by Brunig Line to Interfaken, boat on Lake Thoune to Speiz and M.O.B. line to Montreux. Whilst at Montreux, a coach tour around Lake Geneva was enjoyed, spending some time at Geneva, visiting League of Nations Buildings etc. A trip to Rochers-de-Naye by mountain railway was also arranged.

The excellent facilities extended by the Managements of the Swiss Federal Railways, the engineering undertakings visited and the rail and boat Companies involved were greatly appreciated, and particularly do we esteem the excellent services rendered by A. H. Bell, Esq., British Railways Agent in. Switzerland, and Messers. Furholz and German, Officers of Swiss Federal Railways. A well attended social evening was held at The Concert Hall, Old Oak Common, London, in April.

The Annual Dinner, held at The Lysbeth Hall, Soho, London on 22nd November, was attended by 237, principal guests being: - R * F ' Harvey M.B.E. Chief Officer, Motive Power, The Railway Executive and Mrs. Harvey, P. Parker, O.B.E. Motive Power Superintendent, E.R. and Mrs. Parker. Mr. Parker 'Is a Fellow of the Institution. Regret was expressed at the absence of the President and Mrs. Miller through illness.

The Annual Outing, on 24th July, visited Leamington Spa, Kenilworth Castle, Warwick Castle and Stratf ord-on -Avon, attending the Annual Flower Show at Stratford.

An excellent syllabus of monthly lectures, arranged at 163, Eversholt Street, Euston W.1., should merit larger attendances. Lectures held:- "The Art and Science of Engine Driving," G. A. Weedon; " Diesel Engines, " H. N. McIntyre; " The Locomotive Testing Station, Rugby, " R. H. Johnson; " Running Characteristics of some well known Locomotives, Automatic Train Control," O. S. Nock.

Lectures pending:

19th February: - "Background to Summer Passenger Time Table" C. D. Hacked.

19th March:- "Building of a Castle Class Locomotive"  S, C. Millard.

23rd April:- "Gas Turbine Electric Locomotives" A. W. J. Dymond.

21st  May: - " Coal " L. Theobald.

Please ensure a good attendance.

An educational visit to Scotland is being arranged for a date in September, to Railway and Engineering Undertakings. A social evening at Old Oak Common and visits to Industrial Undertakings during the Summer.

New Rules and membership cards have now been supplied to all members, but some of our older members may note that no Region or date of enrolment is shewn on the card, as 1 have no record of this. Will members please enter these details themselves, the General Secretary would appreciate this information for Institution records.

The Morgan Trophy was presented at the Annual Dinner, to Mr. S. E. Rayner.

The E.C. sincerely appreciate the facilities extended by Officers of the London Transport Executive, in allowing continued use of accommodation for their meetings. The appreciation of members  due to the Assistant and Organizing Secretary -and Sub-Committee for their efforts and to the continued interest and activity of the President in progress and development of the Institution.

On behalf of the Executive Council


General Secretary

February, 1953

1952 Annual Report





General Secretary

Asst. & Organising Sect.