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Centenary Locomotive Naming:

GB Railfreight Class 66 Locomotive 66716 was named to commemorate the Centenary of the Locomotive and Carriage Institution at Wansford on the Nene Valley Railway Saturday 14th May 2011 by Nick Agnew, President of the Locomotive & Carriage Institution and John Smith, Managing Director, GB Railfreight

Photos ©  Tom Chaffin (TC) or Brian (Percy) Drummond (BD)


66 716 waiting in the sidings at Wansford for the proceedings to start.

 GB Railfreight Class 66 diesel locomotive 66 716 is around six years old and is primarily used to haul coal and bio-mass to the generating companies in the NE of England


66 716 was then put in position in on platform 2 at Wansford ready for the naming.


Another view of 66 716 taken from the footbridge.  The naming 'party' are gathering on the platform ready


Nick Agnew (right), President of the Locomotive & Carriage Institution introduces the naming proceedings and gives a short history of the Institution from our formation as the Institute of Locomotive Inspectors and Foreman  in 1911 up to our Centenary in 2011 when we have over 300 members.

John Smith, Managing Director of GB Railfreight on the left.


John Smith, Managing Director of GB Railfreight then outlines a brief history of GB Railfreight from a fledgling set-up in 1999 with around ten employees operating some services to Railtrack (as was) to the International company today, with 350 employees operating from Fort William to Penzance.  The company is now owned by Euro Tunnel and ran the first train from Navarro in Italy to Daventry around two months ago.  With new ownership the company is looking at new opportunities in mainland Europe, exploiting the Channel Tunnel so as to get more freight onto rail.

John Smith is also a member of the Locomotive & Carriage Institution.


Nick Agnew and John Smith get ready to name 66716


And from another angle


Off comes the curtain....


66 716's name is revealed....


And the curtain removed....


66 716 is named the Locomotive & Carriage Institution


John Smith than hands over a OO Gauge model of 66 716 in a presentation case to Nick Agnew


The 00 gauge model in the presentation case close-up


And a side-view in close-up.  The model was specially made by Bachmann Model Railways


Nick Agnew then presents John Smith with the book "Underground Kew" showing the development of  publicity for the railway industry and Kew in particular


Before then presenting Cris Rees, General Manager of the Nene Valley Railway with the book on the Jubilee Line.


Chris Rees, Nick Agnew and John Smith pose in front of 66 716


A view of one end of 66 716 proudly showing the Locomotive & Carriage Institution nameplate


A close up of the nameplate


66 716 was then moved to the bridge over the River Nene at Wansford for photographs


Before working a train of Danish coaches to Yarwell - seen here upon arrival


66 716 then worked the train back to Peterborough Nene Valley - seen here on the run-round at Yarwell


31 190 hauled the L&CI to Wansford from Peterborough at th start of the day.  Seen later on Royal Mail vans at Wansfordll


We would like to give our very grateful appreciation to John Smith of GB Railfreight for agreeing to name the Locomotive, the Nene Valley Railway for allowing us to use their facilities and being brilliant hosts for the day and finally Peter Lindop of the Locomotive & Carriage Institution for all his work organising the event.

Thank you.

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66 716 You Tube

The naming ceremony is on You Tube see: 66 716 namining on You Tube

Class 47 locomotive , 47 584 was previously named  after the Locomotive & Carriage Institution, for information see: 47 584

The Nene Valley Railway were fantastic hosts for the day.  For more information and possible details for a future visit, see: Nene Valley Railway

Finally, for more details on GB Railfreight, one of the railway industry's success stories over the last ten years, see: G B Railfreight

47 584 Nene Valley Rly GB Railfreight